
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

What to Wear When Hunting?

What to Wear When Hunting?

Hunting is an activity that requires a great deal of preparation and planning. From the weapons, ammunition, and other gear you need to take with you to the terrain you’ll be hunting in – there are so many factors at play. One of the most important considerations when preparing for a successful hunt is what clothing items should be worn. The right clothing can make all the difference in your comfort level while on a hunt as well as your ability to move quietly and blend into your surroundings. In this article, we’ll discuss what types of clothes are best for hunting and how to choose them.

Choosing The Right Camo For Hunting

The most important piece of clothing when hunting is camouflage. Camo helps you blend into your surroundings and remain undetected by the animals you are hunting. It’s especially important if you’re hunting in a wooded area or near brush. There are many different types of camo to choose from, ranging from traditional woodland patterns to more modern digital designs. Choose a camouflage pattern that best matches the type of terrain you will be hunting in and consider other factors such as weather conditions, light levels, and time of day when making your choice.


One of the most important factors to consider when selecting clothing for hunting is the environment and terrain. Depending on where you’re hunting, you may need different types of camouflage patterns that match your surroundings. If you’re hunting in a heavily wooded area, opt for a woodland pattern camo so that you can blend in more seamlessly with the trees and vegetation. If you’re hunting in an open field or grassland, a desert camo pattern might be a better choice as it blends in more easily with the terrain.


When planning what to wear, you must take into consideration the season and the type of hunting you will be doing. During colder months, layers are essential for keeping your body temperature regulated. Insulated outerwear is the best choice when temperatures dip below freezing. It’s important to choose materials that won’t restrict your movement or impede your ability to shoot accurately. In the warmer months, breathable and lightweight fabrics are a must; choose items that will keep you cool while still providing plenty of protection from insects and other elements. Try to select clothes with moisture-wicking properties to help keep you dry when the temperatures rise.



It’s important to choose natural colors when hunting. This is because the color of your clothing should blend in with the landscape, helping you be camouflaged and making it harder for game to spot you. To achieve this, opt for shades of tan, green, brown and black.These are hues that will help you hide while still being able to see your surroundings. Avoid bright colors, such as red or yellow, as these stand out from the natural landscape and may alert game to your presence. Additionally, consider wearing camo patterns designed for hunting in specific seasons and environments. These will provide extra camouflage while you’re in the field. [1]

What Should You Wear While Deer Hunting

When deer hunting, it is important to wear the right type of clothing. You want to be comfortable and warm while still being able to move around as needed.

Roomy Layers

When hunting for deer, it’s important to wear clothing that won’t impede your movement. This means wearing layers that you can easily move and adjust in depending on the weather and temperature. Consider lightweight, roomy jackets or a flannel shirt with a light jacket over it if you get cold quickly. Other good choices include waterproof and breathable fabrics that can handle different conditions.

Visibility Gear

When hunting, you must be visible to other hunters so that they know you’re in the area. This is especially important if you are out in an unfamiliar area or if there are a lot of other hunters around. To ensure your visibility, it’s best to wear bright colors such as fluorescent orange, yellow, and pink tops and jackets.

You can also wear fluorescent gear such as hats, gloves, and vests. Additionally, you should make sure that your gun is well-marked with a bright flag or cover. This will help to prevent any accidents from occurring while out in the field.

Comfortable Boots

One of the most important pieces of hunting gear to wear is a good pair of boots. Not only should they be waterproof, but they should also provide adequate protection from thorns and sharp rocks while out in the field. Additionally, it’s essential that the boots be comfortable enough to walk in for long periods at a time. If possible, try them on before heading out in the field to make sure they fit properly. If your boots are too tight, you may end up with blisters and sore feet after a long day of hunting.

Comfortable Boots

Fragrance-Free Body Products

When hunting, it is essential to wear fragrance-free body products. The animal’s nose is extremely sensitive and can pick up even the subtlest of smells from a mile away. Wearing colognes and perfumes can alert the game of your presence, which defeats the whole purpose of hunting! Instead, opt for unscented deodorants, shampoos, and body washes to keep animals unaware of your presence. If you’re really feeling daring, try using a natural odor cover-up like pine or cedar incense sticks to mask any human scents you may have!

Warm Accessories

When hunting, it’s important to make sure you have the right clothing and accessories to keep you warm. A good pair of gloves will help keep your hands from getting cold while a neck gaiter or scarf can help protect your face from wind and rain. Additionally, many hunters like to wear a beanie or balaclava to cover their head, ears, and neck. Keeping your feet warm is also important. Waterproof boots are a must-have when you’re out in the elements. Layering socks can also be helpful to ensure maximum warmth and comfort. Finally, don’t forget to throw on a jacket or vest with plenty of pockets for extra storage. Look for something that is waterproof and provides plenty of warmth. A good hunting jacket should also have features, like gussets, to allow you to move freely while out in the field. [2]

Choose Clothing That Is Made Of Artificial Fibers

When hunting, you should wear clothing made of artificial fibers such as polyester and nylon. These synthetic fabrics are more durable and water-resistant than natural fibers, meaning they will protect you better from the elements while out in the field. They are also lighter, so they won’t weigh you down or cause overheating. Additionally, many brands of hunting clothing are designed with scent control in mind, using fabrics and technologies that help mask your scent from animals. Make sure to choose clothing that is both comfortable and breathable so you can stay focused on the hunt.

Do Not Wear Clothes Made Of Cotton

Cotton is a very popular material used in clothing, but it is not suitable for hunting. Cotton clothes can get very heavy when wet and will take a long time to dry or be uncomfortable while wet. They are also highly absorbent and can easily retain the odor of sweat or other scents that could alert animals to your presence.

Synthetic materials like nylon and polyester are much better for hunting. They are lightweight, dry quickly and can often be treated with a scent-blocking material to keep odors from being released. Thicker fabrics like wool or fleece also work very well in cold weather because they trap heat and provide insulation against the elements. Additionally, these fabrics are naturally odor-resistant.

When selecting clothes for hunting, try to stick with earthy colors like browns and greens that mimic the natural environment. Brightly colored and patterned clothing can be too distracting for some animals, so it’s best to avoid them when possible. You should also make sure your clothes fit properly and are comfortable to move and hunt in. The last thing you want is to be hindered by an ill-fitting outfit while trying to take a shot!

Finally, when hunting in cold weather, make sure that all exposed skin is covered with layers of clothing. This helps keep your body temperature regulated and prevents wind burn and frostbite. A hat, gloves and boots are also essential for cold weather hunting. [3]

Do Not Wear Clothes Made Of Cotton

Bring A Pair Of Good-Quality Gloves

No matter the weather, it’s important to bring a good pair of hunting gloves. Having reliable protection for your hands will help you stay warm during cold days and protected from heavy foliage during warmer ones. Gloves with moisture-wicking fabric are ideal as they’ll keep your hands dry and comfortable regardless of the weather.

It’s also important to make sure the gloves fit snugly but comfortably, so you can easily handle your firearm or bow. Some hunters opt for extra long gloves that extend beyond their wrists to give them more protection against thorns and other obstacles they may encounter while in the field. Additionally, be sure to bring a second pair of gloves in case the first pair gets wet.

Secure Some Good Hunting Boots

When it comes to hunting apparel, one of the most important pieces of equipment you should invest in is a good pair of hunting boots. Your feet need to be protected from the elements as well as support your body weight during long periods of standing or walking. Look for features such as waterproofing, insulation, and sole traction that will help protect your feet from the elements and provide additional stability. Also, make sure the fit is comfortable and that you have enough room for your toes to move freely. Don’t forget to break them in before taking them out on a hunt – it can make all the difference! [4]

Wearing Blaze Orange While Hunting

One of the most important things to consider when hunting is what to wear. Although there are many factors that come into play, one of the most important considerations is wearing blaze orange or other highly visible colors while hunting. Wearing blaze orange or other brightly-colored clothing helps hunters be seen by others in their vicinity, and can reduce the risk of a hunting accident.

When out in the field, you should always wear blaze orange or other highly visible clothing that is designed to help you stand out from your surroundings. A good rule of thumb is to choose clothing and accessories that are at least 50% blaze orange – this includes hats, vests, gloves, and other pieces of gear. This can help ensure that you’re visible to other hunters and animals in your area.

It’s also important to note that the blaze orange you wear should be visible from all angles. If it’s not, consider adding an additional layer of brightly colored clothing or gear so that you can be seen from any direction. [5]

Wearing Blaze Orange While Hunting


What is the safest color to wear while hunting?

Generally, the safest color to wear while hunting is camouflage. Camouflage helps you blend in with your surroundings and prevents animals from spotting you. If you don’t have any camouflage clothing on hand, neutral colors like tan, gray, or brown are also safe options. It’s important to avoid wearing bright colors that can easily be spotted from a distance. Additionally, try to stay away from white as it can be easily mistaken for the fur of a deer or other game. Finally, wear clothing with no reflective surfaces that could reflect sunlight and potentially alert animals to your presence.

What do you wear under hunting gear?

Under hunting gear, you should wear a base layer of clothing that is made from moisture-wicking material. This will help keep your body dry and comfortable in different weather conditions while out hunting. Avoid cotton or any other material that absorbs moisture. Instead look for materials such as polyester, wool, or synthetic blends that are designed to wick moisture away from your body. If you intend to hunt in cold weather, consider wearing a thin layer of merino wool for warmth as it is lightweight and breathable.

Additionally, if you are hunting during the winter months, wear a second layer of clothing such as fleece or down that will provide extra protection from the elements while still being mobile and breathable. Finally, don’t forget to wear a hat and gloves in cold weather.

Are jeans good for hunting?

Jeans can be a great option if you’re looking for comfort and durability while hunting. They are easy to move in, plus they provide protection from brush and briars. Jeans usually offer more coverage than shorts, which can help keep you warm on cold days in the field. The downside of jeans is that they can be heavier and less breathable than other options, and they can be noisy to move in. If you choose to wear jeans while hunting, try to find a lightweight pair that’s made of a durable material. You should also pay attention to the fit — loose-fitting jeans can snag more easily and make it harder for you to move silently through the woods. All of these factors should be considered when deciding whether or not jeans are a good choice for your hunting trip.

Are jeans good for hunting

Is black OK for hunting?

When it comes to hunting, the color of your clothing is an important factor to consider. While there are no hard and fast rules as to what colors are “appropriate” for hunting, black has long been a popular choice among many hunters. The reason why black is often preferred by hunters is because it provides excellent camouflage in low-light conditions, such as early morning or evening hunting. Additionally, black absorbs and reflects less light than other colors, which can help minimize the hunter’s visibility to their prey. However, if you are hunting in an area with more vegetation or a lot of open space, then lighter colors may be better for blending in with the environment.

What color scares deer the most?

When it comes to hunting, you may want to consider the colors that you wear. Deer are naturally more likely to be scared off by bright, bold colors like white and yellow, as these colors can stand out in the environment. If hunting deer is your goal, try opting for duller colors like earth tones, such as browns, greens, or even camo patterns. It is important to ensure that the area you will be hunting in does not contain any bright colors that could alert deer to your presence. Additionally, remember that depending on the type of game being hunted, different colored clothing may be better suited for the task.

What should you not do while hunting?

Hunting is a serious and potentially dangerous activity, so you should take certain precautions to ensure your own safety. First and foremost, never wear clothing that is too bright or flashy. This can alert the animals to your presence and scare them away. Also, avoid wearing any heavily-scented perfumes or colognes as these can also alert animals to your presence. Finally, always wear appropriate footwear for the terrain you are hunting in – sturdy boots with an appropriate sole for the ground and conditions should be worn at all times.

What colors do deer dislike?

Deer have keen eyesight and can spot deer hunters from a long distance away. To avoid detection, it’s important to wear clothing in colors that blend easily into the environment. Avoid bright colors such as white, yellow, or orange. Hunters should instead opt for earth tones such as camouflage green, browns, greens, and grays. Depending on the region, blaze orange may be a required color for hunters to wear. Make sure to check local hunting regulations before heading out into the field.

What colors do deer dislike

What to wear hunting for the first time?

If you are new to hunting, it can be a bit overwhelming to decide what to wear for your first outing. The following tips will help you choose the best clothing and gear for a successful hunt. First, consider what type of hunting you will be doing (e.g., rifle, bow, waterfowl). Each type of hunting requires different attire to ensure that you are safe and comfortable. Next, consider the type  of weather and terrain you will be hunting in. Dress appropriately for the temperature and conditions, such as rain gear or layers if it is cold. It is also important to wear clothing in colors that will help you blend into the environment, such as neutral shades of brown, green, or gray.

Do you wear deodorant when hunting?

For the most part, wearing deodorant when hunting is not necessary. A strong scent can alert the game to your presence and scare them off. It may be a good idea to use an unscented deodorant or try using scent-eliminating sprays, powders, and soaps if you want to reduce your scent when hunting. When it comes to clothing, there are a few key principles that should be followed when hunting. The most important one is to wear camouflage or earth-toned colors that allow you to blend into your environment. You should also try to avoid wearing any strong-smelling materials, such as heavily treated cotton or synthetic fabrics. Wool is often a good choice because it contains natural oils that can help mask your scent.

Do you need hunting clothes?

When it comes to hunting clothes, you don’t need anything special. A good rule of thumb is to dress for the weather and layer clothing if necessary. For cold temperatures, you’ll want to start with a base layer of synthetic materials like polyester or nylon and then add on layers of wool, fleece, or down if needed. You’ll also want to wear hunting boots with treaded soles that are both waterproof and insulated for maximum comfort.In warm temperatures, you’ll want to dress in lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Be sure to layer up so you can easily remove clothing if you get too warm. As always, waterproof boots are a must when hunting in wet or muddy conditions.



Before heading out for your next hunting trip, make sure you’ve packed the right clothing. The items that should make up your essential hunting wardrobe should include a waterproof and breathable outer shell, layers of warm and lightweight insulation, a blaze orange hat or vest for visibility, and rugged, waterproof boots and gloves. Choose the right materials, patterns, and colors to ensure that you stay safe and comfortable while out in the field. Lastly, consider any extra gear and accessories that may be needed depending on the type of hunting you are doing.


  1. https://www.moultriemobile.com/blog/what-to-wear-when-deer-hunting/
  2. https://www.horseandhound.co.uk/hunting/what-to-wear-out-hunting-41641
  3. https://holycitysinner.com/2021/12/02/what-should-a-beginner-wear-when-hunting/
  4. https://www.nrablog.com/articles/2015/9/what-to-wear-on-a-hunt
  5. https://archerycountry.com/blog/what-clothes-to-wear-while-hunting/